The Business of Beauty Global Forum Is Coming to California From May 30–June 1, 2023

The Business of Fashion is pleased to announce The Business of Beauty Global Forum, a new invitation only gathering bringing together a dynamic group of executives, entrepreneurs, and creatives from the global beauty and wellness industry, taking place between May 30 and June 1, 2023 at Stanly Ranch, a new five-star resort located in Napa Valley, California, USA.

The Business of Beauty Global Forum is inspired by BoF VOICES, the highly-anticipated annual fashion industry event that has set a new bar for what a professional conference can be: interactive, inspiring and insightful.

We are planning a jam-packed programme of provocative talks, interactive discussions and unforgettable activities to reimagine the beauty and wellness landscape and enable attendees to build meaningful relationships and create new business opportunities.

We are thrilled to be partnering with BeautyUnited, a non-profit organisation with a mission to mobilise the collective power and influence of the beauty and wellness industry as a force for good. As an Industry Partner, BeautyUnited’s co-founders Moj Mahdara and Kendra Bracken-Ferguson, and Executive Director Julee Wilson, will collaborate with BoF on creating engaging content and meaningful community impact.

The Business of Beauty Global Forum is an invitation-only event. We would love to hear from you if you would like to participate. To learn more and to request an invitation to attend, click here.

The Global Forum is made possible in part by our partners BeautyUnited, McKinsey & Company, MagicLinks and Stanly Ranch.

#Business #Beauty #Global #Forum #Coming #California #30June

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