Breaking: Financial plumbing | Financial Times

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The US’s financial plumbing may not always be foolproof, but large trading firms can usually navigate it without trouble.

So imagine FT Alphaville’s surprise when we saw this note sent to the New York office of the liquidity providers over at Jane Street, where the physical plumbing is what’s causing the mess:

Please read: bathroom etiquette

bcc: ny-fulltime, ny-interns

Because someone has flushed something down the toilet other than toilet paper, it has caused another sewage leak on the [redacted] floor, requiring clean up and repairs and shutting down a significant part of the floor. This is the third time this has happened in about a week. This isn’t just a smelly mess; it is highly disruptive. So I’ll amplify what [name redacted] said last week after the second incident: DO NOT FLUSH ANYTHING . . . 

. . . you get the picture.

We have learned the “sewage leak” is happening on the same floor where Jane Street’s traders sit, but the firm’s operations haven’t been affected. The significance of the decision to send the note to the firm’s New York summer interns wasn’t immediately clear.

A Jane Street representative declined to comment.

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