9 Expert Tips for Keeping Children Safe Online

The internet can be a valuable source of knowledge, education, and amusement for kids. At the same time, it can come with its own problems, such as inappropriate material, cyberbullying, and online harassment.

Some websites can be hazardous for children because they may be created to mislead them into giving away personal details or initiating malware downloads.  Additionally, children may be exposed to cyberbullying or some other digital abuse.

Mobile apps may also be dangerous for children. For example, some apps offer anonymous messaging, allowing predators to contact kids easily. Other apps may have lax privacy controls, which could put children at risk of having their personal information shared without their consent. Still, other apps may be designed for adults but are attractive to children and may expose them to inappropriate content or adult themes.

As a parent, it is crucial to protect your kids from these potential dangers and help them stay safe online. In this article, I will provide tips and advice for keeping your children safe while using the internet.

1. Set online behavior rules and enforce them consistently

The first and most important step is to set clear rules. This might include rules about how much time children can spend online, the types of websites they can visit, and the types of personal information they are allowed to share. It is vital to make sure your kids understand the consequences of breaking these rules. You should always follow through with those consequences if necessary.

To enforce these rules, it can be helpful to establish a routine for your child’s internet use. This might involve setting specific times of day when they are allowed to go online and monitoring their activity to ensure they follow the rules. Always reward children for doing things right.

2. Encourage open and honest communication

  • Ask your children about their online activities and interests and listen to what they have to say without judging or lecturing.
  • Be available and approachable. Children should know that they can come to you at any time and speak openly about their online experiences. If your children come to you with a question or concern, take it seriously and help them find the information or support they need.
  • Be a good role model. Show your children that you value open and honest communication by being open and honest with them yourself.

It is also essential to continue having regular conversations with your children about internet safety as they grow and their online habits and interests change.

3. Educate your children about internet safety

  • Talk to your kids regularly about the potential risks of using the internet, such as cyberbullying, exposure to inappropriate content, and meeting strangers online.
  • Explain the importance of protecting personal information, including name, phone number, address, and other identifying information.
  • Explain to children that once something is posted online, it can be difficult or impossible to remove it completely.
  • Remind them that online behavior can have real-life consequences and that they should always be respectful and considerate of others when posting online.
  • Encourage your children to use privacy settings on their social media accounts and other online services to control who can see their posts and personal information.

When buying a new laptop or phone, explain how to use it securely. By educating your children, you help them make responsible decisions when it comes to their online activity.

4. Teach your kids to be skeptical of messages and content they receive online

Explain to your children that not everything they see online is true. People can easily create fake accounts, websites, and content. Encourage them to think critically about the information they get online. Ask them questions to help them evaluate the information they are seeing, such as:

  • Who is the source of this information?
  • Is there any evidence to support it?
  • Are there any reasons why the information might be false or misleading?

Encourage them to speak up if kids receive a message or see content that makes them uncomfortable.

5. Help your children understand the potential consequences of cyberbullying

Explain to your children what cyberbullying is and why it is wrong. Children should always speak up if they or someone they know are being bullied. Help them understand the importance of being an upstander, not a bystander.

Cyberbullying can have severe consequences for both the victim and the person doing the bullying. For example, the victim may experience anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues, and the person doing the bullying may face legal consequences, such as criminal charges or civil lawsuits.

6. Monitor your kids’ online activity

Parents should watch their children when they use the computer or phone. It is important to occasionally check in with them and see what they are watching or typing, and consider their mood and reaction.

For example, when making dinner for my youngest son, I let him play games for 45 minutes, but I observe his internet activity from the kitchen. Even though most games are harmless, they can still cause anger and frustration. This is not shoulder surfing but taking proper precautions.

It is good to occasionally check the browsing history on children’s devices to see which websites they have visited. You can also monitor your kids’ social media accounts to see what they are posting and who they are interacting with. It is also good to review all installed apps.

Many parents do not know what their children are doing online. By monitoring your kids’ online activity, you can stay informed about what they are doing and take steps to keep them safe.

7. Use privacy settings

Use the “Privacy” settings in social media accounts to control who can see your kids’ posts, who can see their profile information, and who can send them friend requests. You can also block specific people. As mentioned above, you should educate your children about the importance of privacy settings and encourage kids to use them themselves.

8. Consider using parental control software

Parental control apps allow parents to set internet usage limits, block access to inappropriate websites and apps, and monitor kids’ online activity in real-time. By configuring the settings properly (celltrackingapps dotcom; parental controls), you can protect your child from plenty of potential risks.

Research different parental control software to find one that meets your needs. Look for an app that offers the features you need. Most solutions require you to install the app on your child’s device in order to monitor their activity.

As your children grow, you may need to adjust the settings on the parental control app to continue protecting them effectively. Be sure to review the app settings regularly.

9. Stay up to date on the latest trends and platforms to understand the digital landscape your child is navigating

  • Read articles and blogs about internet safety and parenting.
  • Consider attending workshops and seminars on internet safety. Many organizations and schools offer such events.
  • Reach out to other parents and experts in the field of internet safety and parenting to learn more about the latest trends and platforms in the digital landscape. They can provide valuable insights and advice based on their experiences and expertise.


Keeping children safe while they are using the internet is an important responsibility. By setting online behavior rules, monitoring your kids’ online activity, educating them about internet safety, and taking advantage of parental control apps, you protect your children from many risks and ensure they have a positive and safe experience.

Stay involved in your children’s online activities and continue to have open and honest conversations to help them make responsible decisions while using the internet.

Featured Image Credit: Jessica Lewis; Pexels; Thank you!

Alex Vakulov

Alex Vakulov

Alex Vakulov is a cybersecurity researcher with over 20 years of experience in malware analysis. Alex has strong malware removal skills. He is writing for numerous tech-related publications sharing his security experience.

#Expert #Tips #Keeping #Children #Safe #Online

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