Pros and Cons of AI Writers

Is AI writing the future of content creation? AI writers are becoming increasingly popular due to their potential to help people produce content and get answers. But is the content accurate and unique, or is it fake and misleading?

There are many reasons to be wary of relying on AI writers. Similarly, there are opportunities. In this business blog, we look at a few of the pros and cons of AI writers for website content. However, let’s commence with a general understanding of what AI writers are and what they do.

AI Writer By Another Name

There are many names for the AI content service. You may have read articles calling AI writers by another name, such as:

  • AI Chatbot
  • AI Content Generator
  • AI Copywriter
  • AI Text Generator
  • Conversational AI service

Don’t be surprised if more names for AI writing tools pop up too. If you are already aware of another name, let us know what it is by sharing it in a comment at the end of this article. 🙂

So far, our research points to the term ‘AI writer’ is the most commonly used to describe content generated by artificial intelligence software. Not only will you find different names for it, but you will also learn about many providers.

The Race Is On

ChatGPT is in the news frequently because it is the most sophisticated AI writer on the market. Forbes explains how CGT-3 can assist workers with their tasks. For example, programmers can check their code, and journalists can get it to provide reports on topics they don’t have in-depth knowledge of. The report may be financial or sports-orientated. Other roles like HR Management, Data Scientists, or Analysts can also get a head start with creating reports or summaries.

OpenAI’s GPT-3 is not just a content generator for copywriters but also a math genius solving complex math problems. If you struggle with math, this one is for you!

Google is keen to get their conversational AL writer called Bard online, and when it’s product-ready we’ll all hear about it. For copywriting, marketers like Neil Patel, and publishers including Tech Target, Reuters, and many more are comparing ChatGPT to Bard and how AI Writers will impact everything we do.

We can not ignore AI writers, so let’s look at the pros and cons of using them for site content copy.

Our Experience With AI Writers

We are using AI writers, testing them in much the same way other publishers are, but so far, we prefer writing our blogs.

Using writing tools is not off the table for business blogs. We use the paid service of grammar checkers like Grammarly to ensure our articles are engaging, have clarity, are on topic, and are unique.

It is a matter of choice

Yes, AI writers save you time, and it takes much longer to write a blog post. However, writing business blog posts is more rewarding – there is a sense of achievement.

Typically an article for BusinessBlogs can take around six hours from start to finish. The job would be achieved within a few minutes if we used an AI writer’s content. However, where are the challenge and sense of achievement in doing that?

Use AI writers for content topics

You’ll find many marketers suggest using AI writers to generate topics and article outlines, which makes sense to us. Using an AI writer to outline what can be covered in an article saves time and improves your knowledge (though remember to fact-check it).

What you may end up doing with the AI writer content is rewriting it in your own words. Why would you bother doing so? When you generally love blog posts, writing in your own words will always present better, more personal, transparent, and honest.

Blog readers can differentiate between genuine opinion and storytelling to the impersonal matter-of-fact content presentation churned out by AI writers. This is not to say they are turned off by AI-generated content – far from it. Let’s look at an AI writer example.

ChatGPT example



For the question we presented to ChatGPT, there wasn’t a lot of room for it to fail. We weren’t expecting its response to include statistics, facts, and figures.

While the content is impersonal, it is hard to ignore that it presented some genuine concerns or cons about using AI writers.

What Is The Main advantage Of AI Writers?

The primary benefit of using an AI writer for content generation is the time it saves copywriters. Plus, you can use the general gist of an AI writer’s content and rewrite it in your own words. AI writers can help with accuracy by double-checking grammar and spelling mistakes before posting any content. However, we personally prefer a grammar checker to do this task.

What Are The Potential Risks Of AI Writers?

As we alluded to earlier, due to the nature of algorithms, AI writers may overlook subtle nuances and eliminate elements that could make a piece of content more meaningful.

Similarly, since AI writers cannot understand the context, comprehend future business trends, or know new buzzwords, the output could be off-brand or outdated. Additionally, improper use of the technology can lead to accusations of plagiarism and lack of originality in your work.

Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Really That Good At Writing Content?

The answer is complex. AI writers are algorithms that have been preprogrammed to write about specific topics, incorporating evidence-based research into their work. So, while they can generate factual content and utilize SEO techniques, they can’t take a creative approach or use a human writer’s sense of style when crafting a piece of writing.

As such, in specific contexts, an AI writer may never be able to outperform a human writer. So don’t give up writing your own content!

Human writers often possess more knowledge about a particular subject or industry than AI technology, making us better suited for complex topics requiring technical language. In our opinion, a trusted human writer can deliver valuable feedback and opinion on news and issues, including using visuals and videos to support their words.

#Pros #Cons #Writers

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